Godly Single Woman Quotes

It is my desire that these Christian quotes for women will give back just a bit of what has been given to me and help you on your journey of being a woman of God. If there is a quote or saying that you think will bless other women, then please feel free to leave a comment below. I am sure that they will be blessed and inspired by it!

Being A Woman Quotes Pretty Woman Quotes Who Am I Quotes Inspiring Woman Quotes Quotes On She Being A Friend Quotes Quotes On Loss Perfect Woman Quotes Inspirational Quotes For Husband Forward I am not a one in a million kind of girl. These inspirational quotes for women will help to light a fire that will burn brightly for years to come. Eleanor Roosevelt on Feeling Inferior.

Inspiring Christian Quotes For Mothers I cannot tell you how much I owe to the solemn word of my good mother. Charles Haddon Spurgeon I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge. When I needed to get across, she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely. Renita Weems Older women should teach younger women the skills and disciplines needed to have a successful home and marriage.

Godly Single Woman QuotesStrong

Experienced wives and mothers will find their greatest avenue of ministry in teaching younger wives what they need to know to be effective wives, mothers, and homemakers. John MacArthur What the mother sings to the cradle goes all the way down to the coffin. Henry Ward Beecher America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men.

Godly Single Woman Quotes

It has portrayed the greatest of gifts – a child – as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. Mother Teresa Encouraging Christian Sayings About Wives What women rightly long for is spiritual and moral initiative from a man, not spiritual and moral domination. John Piper It is true that a fellow cannot ignore women – but he can think of them as he ought – as sisters, not as sparring partners. Jim Elliot The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved by him. Matthew Henry The thing needed to women (and to men too) is these friendships without love between men and women.