Single Woman Valentine Meme

Single awareness day is a day meant to oppose Valentine’s Day by celebrating the single life. Single awareness day is generally celebrated on Valentine’s Day, but some recognize it as the 15 th of February, or 'anti-Valentine's day'. Even though the acronym for single awareness day is literally S.A.D., that doesn ’t mean it as to be.

Being single can mean levels of independence and freedom that people in committed relationship can’t even fathom. Plus, just because you’re single, doesn ’t mean you don’t still have meaningful relationships outside of your romantic life. The double standards “Stop asking why I’m still single. I don’t ask why you’re still married.” 24. Have you tried sleeping alone?


Glorious “The best thing about being a single woman is you can sleep around. You can sleep all over that bed of yours. It’s important to stay positive “99% of my socks are single and you don’t see them crying about it.” RELATED: 26.

A Message To All The Single Ladies: There's Nothing Wrong With You. By Mara-Jewel Bertelli. It seems as though a healthy, happy and single woman is inconceivable in this world. Jan 31, 2017  For some, Valentine’s Day can be a romantic celebration of love. For others, February 14th is just another day of the single life. Here are some of the best memes on the internet for those of. Valentine’s Day Memes & GIFs. By: Aliya Khan - Published: February 13. Valentine’s Day Memes for Singles. Many single people hate this day for different reasons. Whether you choose to wallow, or celebrate Singles Awareness Day, this is where all the Valentine’s Day humour comes from. Hilarious Valentine's Day Memes To Send Your Single Pals. Erin Donnelly. See All Slides. The Matriarchy Power List: 29 Women Who Took Over The World In 2018. Dec 17, 2018.

Some men just hold you back anyway “What a queen without her king? Well, historically speaking, more powerful.” 27. A healthy fantasy life is nothing to be ashamed of “My boyfriend is so handsome, looking all invisible and sh-.” 28. Be independent in everything “I’m single because I don’t need anybody to ruin my life. I’m ruining it perfectly on my own.” 29.

Never give up on love “Somebody left a grocery list in this cart that said cheese and sh.t like that. So my soul mate is out there.” 30. You got to laugh about the hard parts of dating “Single and ready to get nervous around anyone I find attractive.” 31.

You have to accept brutal truths “I like you as a friend.” 32. It’s always better to be single than to be dealing with a man child “I am many things; but a babysitter for a full grown a. man is not one of them.” 33. Of course, the one’s you want, don’t want you “Sorry boys, but I already have my eyes on a guy that isn’t interested.” 34.

Know your worth, girl “I know what I bring to the table So trust me when I say that I’m not afraid to eat alone.” 35. It’s important to laugh at your troubles “People keep telling me that the right person will come along Honestly, I think mine got hit by a truck.' Never settle for less “You’re going to end up divorced because you settle for less.” 37. Get that cheddar first, girl! “I want a bf and by bf I mean Benjamin Franklin as in a hunnit dolla bill boy bye.” 38. Sleep is more important than a relationship “Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?'

You don’t need anyone else to “complete you” “I’m not searching for my other half because I’m not a half.” 40. You’re “super” with or without a partner “Superwoman: single. Batwoman: single.

Wonderwoman: single. I get it now I’m single because I’m a superhero.” RELATED: 41. Singles got to support each other Love yourself first! ' post romantic Tweets and Facebook posts during February' - No Single Person Ever. — Brandon Cloud (@theclobra) “I love it when you post romantic Tweets and Facebook posts during February.” — No Single Person Ever RELATED: If you're to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself). Look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and, we've got you covered Nicole Bradley-Bernard is a writer who needs coffee more than she needs anyone’s approval.

She enjoys putting bright colors in her curly brown hair, spending time outside on cool days and being with her partner in life, Eric, who she considers a continuing source of inspiration.

Best Valentine's Day Memes

There's really no easy way around it — being a singleton on Valentine's Day is generally, less than pleasant. Between your family asking you about your love life as they do on every other national holiday, your coworkers asking you about your plans, and the entire world being covered in pink and red, it's hard to escape the idea that love is in the air and you're just suffocating. Luckily, as usual, the internet comes through for single folks with. Because if you're going to be alone on Valentine's Day, you might as well get a laugh out of it and enjoy yourself. Whether you're stinging from a breakup, feeling lonely, or waiting for someone to call you, the following memes pretty much cover every angle of single life on Valentine's Day.

Valentines Memes For Friends

So you can scroll through these expertly (and cynically) crafted memes when you're feeling inundated with the world of conversation hearts and flower deliveries to escape the inevitable feelings of forever alone on the most celebrated romantic holiday of the year. And just remember, if you're feeling alone, you're not really alone, because I'm here with you. And so are these memes.