How To Live Happy Single Woman

Learning how to be happy as a single childless woman will involve being grateful for the benefits of your life. You can’t be happy without gratitude. When you feel grateful, you have no room in your heart, spirit, or soul for depression, angst, anxiety, or pain. Live in gratitude. There are more single people in the U.S. Than happily married couples—and trust us when we say not all of them are discouraged by their single status. 4 Simple Things That Happy Single Women.

As a single woman it’s easy for me to feel all alone even in a crowded room. But I’m determined not to let it get the better of me. There’s more to life than men, and by focusing on other things, I’m maximizing my life as a single woman. Here are my suggestions for living that life.

1. Know who you are One of my favorite verses is Zephaniah 3:17: “He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” When we get a picture of just how precious we are to God, we can’t help but enjoy life. Life is worth living because He is worth living for.

When we get to the “I should be married by now stage,” it’s easy to compare ourselves to others. But God created each of us uniquely and He has given each person specific gifts in order to touch other people’s lives. Don’t wait for God to bring a man into your life to “complete” you. You are already complete if you are a child of God. You are single today because He wants you to be. There are some things in life that you can only accomplish in this particular season of life.

When God called Moses to speak to Pharaoh about releasing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, He asked Moses to use what was already in his hand: his staff. He didn’t ask Moses to use something he didn’t have. What’s in your hand? What are your strengths? What are the special gifts that God has given you that you could use today to bless somebody?

2. Have a great support network “No man (or woman) is an island.” I never realized how much I needed good, supportive friends until my recent breakup with my boyfriend. God has brought some wonderful people into my life, all of whom play different roles.

I have an accountability friend who keeps me on track by asking me the hard questions, I have a ministry friend who plays a role similar to mine in her church, and I have many friends with whom I can just have fun and be myself. I also have a couple of close guy friends. Our relationships are so secure that we know there will never be anything more to our friendship; they are “safe” guys. I have found it helpful to understand a male’s perspective on many things I may be dealing with in my life. 3. Have fun This year on Valentine’s Day, my roommates and I decided we would have a girls’ night at our place for all our single friends.

We had a lot of fun making the invitations (so much fun that I’ve found a new hobby of making cards!) and planning the menu, decorating and so on. Of course, everyone still has “down” days and you have to allow yourself to go through them. But don't stay there.

Watching sappy love movies or reading romance novels doesn’t help, so stay away from those. Here are some things you could do instead:. Have a girls’ night. Enjoy a regular “pamper yourself” day.

Find a hobby. Aim to meet one new person every week. Travel. Attend a women’s conference. Get some exercise Give your hand a go at different things if you’re unsure of your place in God’s kingdom.

Look for opportunities to serve people and to serve God. In the meantime, if God happens to bring you a guy who seems to be running at the same pace and direction as you, that’s awesome! But if not, keep serving anyway. The Bible says that when we get to heaven we will have to give an account for what we did with our time, so let’s make the most of every day.

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In a world that seems to place so much importance on finding the love of your life. The whole world seems to be geared up to support you in this quest.

But there is very little support given to those who are consciously choosing to spend time alone, learning to enjoy their own company and the creativity it sparks. There is almost a sense of failure or that there is something wrong with un-partnered people, which is really quite ridiculous, especially since more and more people are realizing that the partnerships they formed early in life have failed to pass the tests of time,. To get to know yourself. Look at it this way: if you are, what makes you think anyone else will feel comfortable spending time with you? This can be quite a challenge to someone that has continuously filled up their lives with someone else only to discover that they really don't know or like themselves at all. Having a relationship with yourself is exactly like having a relationship with someone else: You have to be supportive, caring, understanding, and you have to learn to listen and communicate with yourself.

How to live a happy single life as a woman

Sometimes the only way to get you to listen to yourself is to force this 'time alone' upon you. Stay clean and sober. Forget about coming home or staying home plastered, stoned or disconnected — not a good recipe for a successful relationship with yourself or anyone else.

This is a sobering experience but trust me it will start to grow on you if you just give it a chance. Learn how to cheer yourself up.

Tips On How To Live Happy

The better you get at being alone, the better you will be at being in a relationship. For some, it is extremely difficult to cater to your own needs. Are you one of these people that will happily cook if someone is over but if it is just you, crackers and peanut butter will suffice?

Make the effort to cook for yourself. Seriously, this is one of the most self-loving things you can do for yourself.

Study something new. Wow, what a perfect time in your life to go to night school or study online or completely change career tracks. Figure out what you are passionate about and go for it.

Not sure what you are passionate about? Spend more time alone. It will come to you. Give yourself a chance to listen to your inner voice. This process can take time and you really have to be patient with yourself. Are you friendly?

Do you make an effort to say hello and meet new people? Take responsibility for who you are or are not attracting into your life and make the necessary changes to attract some solid friends. What a great way to get to know yourself again. Start with reconnecting with your body. It's the only one you have this lifetime and we often look after our cars (which we can trade in) better than our bodies. Singledom is the perfect time to get yourself in shape and the.

Rediscover your creativity. Each night before you go to sleep,. Every little thing can help create the spirit of gratitude. If you are so inclined, start to write a journal about everything you are grateful for and watch the list get bigger each day as your gratitude attracts more things to be grateful for. Step out of your comfort zone. Each week, plan to go somewhere new or do something different.

Don't wait until a man or woman is in your life to follow your dreams. You have more chance of meeting your special someone if you are living your life to the fullest. Even if you don't want to meet anyone, you still will have a blast following your hearts desires. Being alone can be a positive force, turning you towards greater creativity and greater personal development. In this 'space' that you call your own, you can grow to know and love yourself as a separate individual.